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Blog - seattle

We Moved!


Tattva’s Herbs has officially moved into our new space at 9634 Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle. We are now a part of the “Maple Leaf” neighborhood in Seattle, and were fortunate enough to be interviewed by Mai Ling of the Maple Leaf neighborhood blog. Here is how the interview went:


Tattva’s Herbs Organics officially opened up at its new Maple Leaf location at 9634 Roosevelt Way N.E. on Nov. 19, but there’s still plenty of moving in that needs to be done.

We spoke with marketing director Dana Silverman to find out how business is going with the holidays right around the corner:

Q: How is business so far?

A: Business is great. Not much has changed since moving, because we are primarily online, but would love for people in the neighborhood to come in!

Q: What kind of products will you showcase to bring pedestrian traffic into the store?

A: We have a retail area and offer samples of Coconut Oil, anti-aging cream and oil, healing creams, Chyawanprash, and other products. We will soon have a more apparent sign hung on our awning as well.


Q: You’re now open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Any plans to expand retail hours?

A: We will probably not expand retail hours unless we see a demand for it. Customers are always welcome to order online, phone or fax, and pick them up during retail hours, or have products shipped to their homes.

Q: How long has Tattva’s Herbs been in business?

A: Tattva’s Herbs has been in business about 13 years. It has always been located in Seattle, and we continue to expand every year.

Q: What else can you tell Maple Leaf residents about Tattva’s Herbs?

A: We offer Ayurvedic herbs, supplements, beauty products and oils for a wide variety of health conditions, as well as general health and well-being.

If you live in Seattle, please come check out our new digs!

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Get in touch

  • Tattva's Herbs LLC
    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

    Retail Store Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
    phone: 877-828-8824

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