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Blog - Neem

Neem – Five Essential Health Benefits YOU Need to Know About


In India the Neem Tree is known as the “Village Pharmacy” because of its many diverse uses. Neem comes in many forms and is beneficial in many ways. Tattva’s Herbs sells Neem in capsule form to take internally as well as in oil form and cream form for external use.

Neem is very diverse, however we have come up with a list of the top 5 benefits of Neem that everyone should know. Enjoy!

1) Antifungal and Antibacterial Properties – Neem is a very potent antifungal and bacterial, which helps kill “bugs” in your system internal and external. This is great for everything from infections to dandruff and everything in between.

2) Hair and Skin Health – Neem is excellent for the hair, skin and nails. The oil relieves dry skin and soothes itchiness, redness and irritation. It is helpful for acne, dandruff and used in many skin care products today.

3) Boosts Your Immune System – Neem has such a powerful boost to our immune system that consistent use helps fight against any foreign invasion making our body strong and disease free.

4) Vision Benefits – Neem has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to promote healthy vision by decreasing congestion and mucus in the eyeballs.

5) Natural Pesticide and Mosquito Repellent – Instead of putting harsh chemicals on your skin, Neem Oil is an excellent remedy for deterring misquitos and bugs. It also works in your garden as an excellent non-toxic pest control. Chemical Free!

Click Here to read about more of the excellent properties of Neem!

Neem’s Microbial Balancing Powers

Hello fellow Lyme Disease sufferers. I thought I should share my own personal experience with Lyme disease and the hell I went through…but came out on the “other side”, so there is some hope for those suffering from this disease. I contracted lyme disease many years ago, while on a trip to northern CA- before [...]

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An Ayurvedic Approach to Adrenal Depletion

According to the Ayurveda, disease results from an imbalance in our bodies, minds, and spirits. Ayurveda uses the concept of Rasayana to help describe this action. Rasa literally means “life force” or “life energy’ and ayana means “that which enters”. So Rasayana action or activity is that which is nourishing and promotes positive life energy. [...]

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    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

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    phone: 877-828-8824

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