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Blog - General Health Information almond nutrition

Home (Kitchen) Remedies – Almonds

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There is a common belief that vegetarian food contains no protein. Almond removes all such myths as it contains 20% protein – a percentage that is hardly found in the plants. Among all the nuts that are used as food, almonds are highly nutritious.They are packed with all the food components which are vital to health, strength, and the sound body. It has been said, “No man need starve on a journey who will fill his waist coat pocket with shelled almonds.” The medicinal action of almonds is chiefly due to phramacodynamic action of copper, calcium, and phosphorus and vitamin-B1, C, and E. It is this fact, which led the ancient masters to use almonds in all ages in hope to live strong, healthy, and long.

Almond Kernel is described as thermogenic, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, nutritious, demulcent and nerve tonic in Ayurvedic literature. Oil is sweet, cooling, antispasmodic, sedative, laxative, and rejuvenating. Almond, as a whole is a popular brain tonic and body coolant.

Medicinal Uses

  • Almonds form an ideal tonic for your growing child. Soak 3-6 shelled almonds in warm water and than remove the skin. Grind them into paste, and mix it with milk. Add a teaspoon of honey. Feed your child daily. It can also be useful in adolescent girls with delayed puberty; crushed almonds, egg yolk, gingelly (til) powder, and a teaspoon of honey in milk will ensure good overall development during adolescence.
  • An excellent food supplement in case of general debility and convalescence. Soak 12-15 shelled almonds in hot water and remove outer covering. Grind them into fine paste, and mix it with the buttermilk and mash a ripe banana in it. Strain it through a muslin cloth, add 4 teaspoons honey, and drink twice daily. Almond forms an ideal food for diabetics also as it contains little carbohydrates.
  • Almonds increase libido and enhance general sexual performance in cases of frigidity. Grind a few almonds and 2-3 pinches of saffron and eat everyday for 40 days.
  • Almonds are a good for constipation. Grind separately 5 teaspoons almonds and 5 teaspoons dried dates. Combine them and add 10 teaspoons honey. Take 3 teaspoons of this mixture twice daily.
  • In the case of head lice, grind 7-8 kernels with 1-2 teaspoons lime juice and apply on the scalp. Apply a little almond oil on the scalp regularly and massage.
  • In the case of tooth ache and gum diseases, burn the shells of almonds, powder, and use as tooth powder.
  • To get relief from psoriasis and allied skin troubles, powder a few almonds, boil and apply on affected areas and let it remain overnight.
  • To improve skin complexion, mix equal quantities of almond oil and honey and apply to face. To protect from sunburn, apply the paste of almonds and milk cream along with coconut oil on exposed skin.
  • In the case of insomnia, grind blanched almonds (8-10) along with khuskhus grass powder (1 teaspoon) and milk (half teacup) and smear the paste on palms and soles.
  • To get relief from muscle sprains, mix equal parts of almond oil and garlic oil and massage over affected areas.


In order to enhance their assimilation, almonds are often taken in combination with other spices like black pepper, khuskhus, turmeric, cardamom, etc. However, during the summer months and hot climatic conditions, almonds should be consumed after removing their brown outer skin, which has a tendency to produce enormous heat in the body.

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