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Shatavari, Asparagus

Asparagus, ShatavariSanskrit name: Shatavari
Botanical name: Asparagus racemosus
Habitat: Shatavari, Asparagus racemosus, is a climbing plant which grows in low forest areas throughout India. A much branched spinus under-shrub with tuberous, short rootstock bearing numerous fusiform, succulent roots.




  • Rasa (taste): bitter, astringent,sour, pungent, sweet
  • Virya (action): Neutral
  • Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
  • Doshas (constitutions): Balances all the doshas

The majorConstituents of Asparagus plant are Shatavarins I-IV, Sistosterol, Asparagamine.

General information
Shatavari is also known as Asparagus racemosus. SHATAVARI is a cooling, calming, nourishing and purifying herb which has a special affinity with women though it is also excellent for men. SHATAVARI is known to maintain and nourish the female reproductive organs. For men it is a nutritive tonic similar to ginseng. Because Shatavari is a gentle herb which regulates growth, is a systemic tonic, and is calming, it is considered, along with Ashwagandha and Bhrami, to be excellent for people of all ages. In Ayurveda this amazing herb is known as the "Queen of Herbs" because it promotes love and devotion.

The name Shatavari comes from an Indian word meaning "a woman possessing a hundred husbands. It is used to maintain and nourish the female reproductive organs and is the main herb, and highly regarded in Ayurvedic medicine for issues connected to women's fertility, menstrual irregularity and controlling blood loss, menopausal issues, and loss of libido. It acts as a womens’ rejuvenative, helping to balance estrogen, stimulate lactation and prevent miscarriage. For men it is a nutritive tonic similar to ginseng. Because Shatavari is a gentle herb, acting as a systemic tonic and is calming, it is considered, along with Ashwagandha and Brahmi, (or Bacopa) to be excellent for people of all ages.

Shatavari has also been used as a tonic for circulatory, digestive and respiratory organs, ulcers, bronchial infections, diarrhea, rheumatism, diabetes, bleeding ulcers, gastritis, dysentery, dry cough, sore throat, inflammation in the lungs due to dryness and heat, male fertility and impotence, building body mass and muscle tissue, nourishing the blood, the immune system, calming the nerves, and insomnia.

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  • Tattva's Herbs LLC
    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

    Retail Store Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
    phone: 877-828-8824

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