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Sacred Fig, Peepal Tree

Sacred Fig, Peepal TreeSanskrit name: Ashvatha
Botanical name: Ficus religiosa
Habitat: It is native to India.





  • Rasa (taste): Astringent
  • Virya (action): Cooling
  • Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Pungent
  • Dosha (Constitution): Balances Kapha and pitta, aggravates vata

General information

Indian Fig Tree or Peepal is a sacred tree for Indians. It is of immense importance in Ayurveda also. The Tree is used for ornamental purpose and in Ayurvedic medicinal preparation. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help in suppressing the pain and inflammation in the joints. It is also an aphrodisiac and helps in treating female reproductive system. It has also been found useful in treating urinary tract infections. The paste of leaves and bark has healing properties and can be applied externally on wounds and cuts


No such information on side effects is available for this herb.

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  • Tattva's Herbs LLC
    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

    Retail Store Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
    phone: 877-828-8824

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