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RadishSanskrit name: Mulaka, Muli
Botanical name: Raphanus sativus
Habitat: It is native to Europe, but cultivated worldwide as a vegetable.





  • Rasa (taste): Pungent, Bitter
  • Virya (action): Heating
  • Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Pungent
  • Dosha (Constitution): Balances kapha, pitta and vata

General information

Radish is one of the easiest and fastest growing vegetable, used worldwide in salads and other culinary purposes. It is highly rich in an enzyme called diates which helps to digest starch. It contains high amount of antioxidants and boost the immune power of the body. Radishes are diuretic in nature and increases urine production in the body which further help in treating urinary tract infections. It helps in increasing the efficiency of metabolic activities and regulates bowel movements. It is highly rich in Vitamin C and vitamin B complex, which helps in treating skin related diseases.


No such information on side effects is available on this Herb. However, we recommend to consume this herb under proper medical guidance. Avoid in pregnancy.

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  • Tattva's Herbs LLC
    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

    Retail Store Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
    phone: 877-828-8824

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