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Persian Walnut, English Walnut

Persian Walnut, English WalnutSanskrit name: Akshota
Botanical name: Juglans regia
Habitat: It is native to Asia.






  • Rasa (taste): Sweet
  • Virya (action): Heating
  • Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Sweet
  • Dosha (Constitution): Balances Kapha and pitta, aggravates vata

General information

Walnut has derived its popularity from the Egyptian period and is widely used all over the world. Though it is tasty to eat as a nut but it does have some therapeutic benefits because of which Ayurveda has recommened for medicinal preparations. It acts as a mild laxative and helps in regulating bowel movements and gastrointestinal diseases. It is rich in anti-oxidants and is good for Brain functioning and stress. It is also an aphrodisiac and is rich in Vitamin E.


English walnut nut is alright for most individuals in regular sustenance sums. No such information on side effects is available on this herb.

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  • Tattva's Herbs LLC
    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

    Retail Store Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
    phone: 877-828-8824

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