Sanskrit name: Sarpagandha
Botanical name: Rauvolfia serpentina
Habitat: Rauvolfia is native to Indian Subcontinent and East Asia.
- Rasa (taste): Pungent, Bitter
- Virya (action): Heating
- Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Pungent
- Dosha (Constitution): Balances kapha and vata, aggravates pitta
General information
In India Rauvolfia serpentina has been used on poisonous snake bite for centuries among the common folks. This herb is a potent sedative and is used in Brain related disorders. It acts as a stimulant and regulates the bowel movements. It also helps in regulating the blood circulation and in Heart conditions. It is beneficial in the female reproductive system related disorders. Anti-inflammatory properties of this herb helps in controlling the pain in the joints.
No such information on side effects is available on this Herb. However, we recommend to consume this herb under proper medical guidance. Avoid in pregnancy and lactation.