Sanskrit name: Manjistha
Botanical name: Rubia cordifolia
Habitat: Manjistha is native to india.
- Rasa (taste): Astringent, Sweet, Bitter
- Virya (action): Heating
- Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Pungent
- Dosha (Constitution): Balances kapha and pitta, aggravates vata
General information
Manjistha is highly rich in munjistin, purpurin, peudopurpurin and glycosides which impart it properties like antibacterial, expectorant and diuretic. These properties help in the treatment of skin ailments and infections, gastrointestinal and urinary tract diseases. This herb helps to boost the immune power of the body. It helps in the purification of the blood and regulates the blood flow.
No such information on side effects is available on this Herb. However, we recommend to consume this herb under proper medical guidance.