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Golden shower

Golden shower

Sanskrit name: aragvadha, chaturangula, kritamala, suvarnaka
Botanical name: Cassia Fistula
Habitat: Common throughout India and Burma.




  • Rasa (taste)
  • virya (action): cooling
  • Vipaka (post digestive effect): sweet
  • Dosha (Constitution): Balances Pitta, Vata and Kapha

General information

Aragvadha as called in Sanskrit constitute of glycosides, Anthraquinones Fistulic acid, sennosides, Sugars Saccharose and sterols which plays a significant role as laxative alterative, febrifuge.

It is a gentle laxative and is used to pacify Pitta. By pacifying pita, it helps in the purification of blood and help cure skin diseases.

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Get in touch

  • Tattva's Herbs LLC
    9634 Roosevelt Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98115

    Retail Store Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
    phone: 877-828-8824

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