Sanskrit name: Mandukaparni
Botanical name: Centella asiatica
Habitat: It is widely found in the wetlands of Asia.
- Rasa (taste): Pungent, astringent, bitter, sweet
- Virya (action): Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effects): Sweet
- Dosha (Constitution): Balances Kapha and pitta, aggravates kapha
General information
Ayurveda describes Gotu Kola as one of the Rasayna and is used for rejuvenation. It has anti-aging properties and helps in slowing down the aging process. Indian Pennywort helps in improving the immune power of the body and revitalizes the body. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is also found useful in treating urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract diseases. It regulates the blood circulation and helps in heart related diseases. This herb possesses anti-bacterial properties and is helpful in treating wounds and skin ailments. Also, it is rich in anti-oxidants and Ayurvedic practitioners refers it as a Brain Tonic.
No such information on side effects is available with this herb.
Related Gotu Kola Products
Gotu Kola - 60 Capsules
Gotu Kola - 120 capsules