Posted on 19th May 2015
A little spice is nice year round, especially when it's Chai. When caffeine comes between you and your Chai Tea, naturally caffeine-free Capomo offers a new infusion to this ancient spiced treat.
Infuse a piping hot Capomo drink, by brewing method of your choice. Stir one bountiful tablespoon of Chyawanprash per cup to bring both sweet and spicy to the party, with a healthy dose of Ghee goodness. Chyawanprash adds Chai's spicy cinnamon, black pepper/pippali, cardamom and clove, to medicinals; ashwagandha, bacopa, saffron, licorice, guduci, haritaki, shatavari and over 40 more!
Pour the contents of 1 -2 capsule of Tattva's Supercritical Ginger into the steaming brew, for what would Chai be without this sweetest of roots? Add cream and additional sweeter to taste.