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About Us
Welcome to Tattva's Herbs and the world of Ayurveda
Giving the gift of health using the wisdom of mother nature.
Tattva’s Herbs was founded in 2000 with the desire to deliver the finest quality products that Mother Nature has to offer. We do not cut any corners or spare any expense to bring you the ultimate in quality and signature Ayurvedic oils, supplements, creams, chyawanprash and more. We accept it as our personal responsibility to present the world of Ayurveda to you with great care and respect, and without adulteration. Everyone involved in Tattva’s Herbs is proud of what we do, and we are grateful to be able to share our gifts with you. Ayurveda is one of the world’s richest treasures and should be respected as such. Our process begins with our organic farming partners in India, without whom, none of these products are possible. We then take these herbs and use an extraction method called Co2 extraction, or supercritical extraction.
Why do we use this technology?
Because it locks in the full, pure spectrum of the plants’ essence, or prana. Most extraction technologies simply offer a small slice, or piece (if you will) of the whole plant, often using harsh solvents which leave harmful residues in their wake. Co2 Extraction technology leaves no residue because it is a gas. We then add back the whole raw herb to act as a chemical messenger. The final product is a very potent complete herb with the exquisite healing properties of the plants. All of our products are tested for quality and traces of all heavy metals. We take great care to see that we treat the Earth with respect and continually work with our growers and other partners to assure that you receive only the most meticulously chosen herbs and oils available.
Some Highlights of our Company
- A Full Line of Ayurvedic formulas and Individual Herbal Supplements
- Ayurvedic Beauty Products, Traditional Ayurvedic Oils and Massage Oils
- Beauty Creams, Skin Care Products and Attars (perfumes)
- 100% Vegetarian, Suitable for Vegans
- Gluten, Soy & Dairy Free
- Certified Organic, CGMP Compliant
- Independently Tested for Heavy Metals
- Cruelty Free, Eco-Friendly, Sustainably Sourced
- Clean, Full Spectrum, Solvent Free Co2 Extraction
- Personal help available, with over 30 years of experience
We are also committed to offering superior service to our customers. Ayurveda is a complex subject and we realize that one often needs as much information as possible in order to make an informed decision.
Thanks for visiting.
- Peter
Call 877-828-8824 or email info@tattvasherbs.com for more information